“As original as The Hunger Games, set within the walls of a high school exactly like yours.”
– Kami Garcia, New York Times best-selling co-author of the Beautiful Creatures novels
It was just another ordinary day at McKinley...
In an America devastated by war and plague, the only way to survive is to keep moving.
In the aftermath of a war, America’s landscape has been ravaged and two thirds of the population left dead from a vicious strain of influenza....
- Leti Del Mar, author of Land of the Unaltered
- Janice White, Editor & Author of Clarity: A Text...
KOTIS recruits Oriel and Maxen just wanted to get their gaming guild together
for Snow Day, but failed to factor jealousy into their plans. On a day that
has come to celebrate families and friendship, it can be hard to be kinless.
A ...
The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet meets The 100 in this unforgettable debut by a brilliant new voice.
A century ago, scientists theorised that a habitable planet existed in a nearby solar system. Today, ten astronauts will leave a dying...
Krystia’s family is hiding Jews from the invading Nazis, but the risks are immense. How much will she risk for her friends? A gripping story based on true events.
During the Soviet occupation of Ukraine during World War II, some of...
There is no United States. There is no world. An asteroid has destroyed what the human race knew as earth and The Great Famine has wiped out most of the surviving human population. For the few remaining survivors, food is scarce—precious—a...
A few months after doctors tell him he has only a year to live, a precocious fifteen-year-old from a small town in Virginia has an intense reaction to The Catcher in the Rye. Deriving inspiration from J. D. Salinger’s narrative, Daniel...
Lucky Spark may have crossed the Establishment for the last time. Having survived the ordeal of Recruitment, Lucian “Lucky” Spark leads a double life. By day, he trains to become one of the Establishment elite. At night, he undermines the...
Best friends Jess and Lily visit Friendship Forest, where animals can talk and magic exists! Jess and Lily can’t wait to attend the Rushy River boat race in Friendship Forest! But when Grizelda sends her sand dragon to turn the Prickleback...