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Catcher, Caught
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Catcher, Caught

Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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A few months after doctors tell him he has only a year to live, a precocious fifteen-year-old from a small town in Virginia has an intense reaction to The Catcher in the Rye. Deriving inspiration from J. D. Salinger’s narrative, Daniel...
Другие детские, Постапокалипсис


Автор: Хауи Хью
Серия: Silo #9
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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WOOL introduced the world of the silo. SHIFT told the story of its creation. DUST will describe its downfall. In a time when secrets and lies were the foundations of life, someone has discovered the truth. And they are going to tell. ...