This critically acclaimed mystery series features Detective Chief Inspector Jane Tennison, who struggles to combat the "boys' club" atmosphere in her profession as a homicide detective. Set in London, these upbeat stories, based on the smash hit...
The 9-word clue was one of 9 cryptic notes that had been sent to taunt Inspector Queen and Ellery 9 days after the murder. Nino Importuna had been obsessed with the number. He had lived by it. Now the killer who brought a trio of gory deaths to...
Another adventure for curator Chris Norgren, specialist in Renaissance and Baroque at the Seattle Arts Museum (Deceptive Clarity, 1987). Here, Chris is soon to leave for Bologna to finalize preparations for a show in Seattle called Northerners In...
When an intricate old map is found stuffed into the walls of the bistro in Three Pines, it at first seems no more than a curiosity. But the closer the villagers look, the stranger it becomes.
Given to Armand Gamache as a gift the first day of...
Angela's not out of the woods yet...
When a woman is found dead in the forest outside Willow Bay, apparently attacked by a bear, local veterinarian - and witch - Angela Martin is asked for her expertise. By all accounts the woman looks like a bear...
"No secret stays hidden forever."
A phone call from an old friend sets Dr. Giovanni Vecchio back on the path of a mystery he'd abandoned years before. He never expected a young librarian could hold the key to the search, nor could he have...
Autumn is in the air in the Blue Ridge Mountain community of Crozet, Virginia--and all the traditions of the changing seasons are under way. Mary Minor "Harry" Haristeen cleans her cupboards, her husband, Fair, prepares the horses for the shorter...
When puzzle columnist Savannah Stone's editor is found stabbed to death, the police look at her as the prime suspect. But Savannah knows she wasn't the only puzzle-maker to cross words with...
In the small coastal town of Oyster Bay, North Carolina, you'll find plenty of characters, ne'er-do-wells, and even a few celebs trying to duck the paparazzi. But when murder joins this curious community, the Bayside Book Writers are there to get...
As the townsfolk of the Welsh valley town of Llanelen settle in for the snowiest winter in twenty-five years, an American stranger arrives. Harry Saunders charms the ladies, one of them in particular: Evelyn Lloyd, the town's former postmistress,...