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Серия: DI Kate Burrows #2
Год: 2000
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DI Kate Burrows thought she'd never face a killer like the Grantley Ripper again. But she was wrong. One by one, children are being abandoned. Thankfully, they're rescued from harm. Then one victim is not so lucky, and Kate knows she's in a race...
Формата на водата [bg]
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Формата на водата [bg]

Язык: болгарский
Год: 2013
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„Формата на водата“ е първият от двайсетте романа с комисаря Монталбано. В него има всичко, което ще направи поредицата световен хит:...
Anne Perry's Christmas Mysteries
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Anne Perry's Christmas Mysteries

Автор: Perry Anne
Язык: английский
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Two holiday novels provide the perfect combination of mystery and murder mixed with a generous helping of Yuletide cheer.A CHRISTMAS GUESTWhen her daughter and son-in-law plan a Christmas vacation to Paris sans hers truly, Grandmama...
Смърт и малко любов
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Смърт и малко любов

Язык: болгарский
Год: 2002
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Току-що сключила брак с дългогодишния си приятел Чистяков, Анастасия Каменская се озовава пред труп на младоженка в гражданското...
Chump Change
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Chump Change

Автор: Fante Dan
Серия: Bruno Dante #1
Год: 1998
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The book follows the exploits of Bruno Dante. In New York his life is a train wreck and is turned into an upheaval when he gets the call from Los Angeles that his screenwriter father is in a coma and not expected to live. The next three weeks on the...