An ancient country custom goes awry, killing a man and spoiling Bognor's holiday. At the annual Clout, the men of Herring do as they have done for centuries, firing arrows blindly into the woods and allowing their women to retrieve what they have...
"Backstory" is a book-length companion piece to the critically-acclaimed and commercially successful series of crime fiction novels set in Portsmouth and featuring D/I Joe Faraday and D/C Paul Winter. I wrote it in response to literally hundreds of...
Belorussia, July 1943. As the Battle of Kursk rages to the east and the tide turns against the Nazi offensive, large swathes of White Russia are declared death zones - and a terrifying onslaught is unleashed on the civilian population. German...
It's another holiday and Mayor Randall Shiffley has turned Caerphilly, Virginia, into Spooky City, USA. The residents are covering every window with cobwebs and roaming the streets in costume to entertain the tourists, and Meg's grandfather is...
First in the Cassie Burdette Golf Lover's mystery series. Cassie battles her way through the sectional Qualifying School in pursuit of her life's dream--a position on the Ladies' Professional Golf Association Tour. Along the way, she stumbles across...
"A riveting novel that engages both heart and mind. John Burley has an eye for detail, a feel for story, and a deep sympathy for his characters." - Lou Berney
"Eerie, troubling, and masterfully written, The Quiet Child is a captivating synthesis of...
As riveting as a World War II thriller, The Forger's Spell is the true story of Johannes Vermeer and the small-time Dutch painter who dared to impersonate him centuries later. The con man's mark was Hermann Goering, one of the most reviled...
At the tail end of 1967, the Parker family once again finds it impossible to hide from a world spinning out of control. Fourteen-year-old Top still can't fit in with their Center Springs, Texas, community, and his near-twin cousin, Pepper, does the...
Zoe Whittaker is living a charmed life. She is the beautiful young wife of handsome, charming Wall Street tycoon Henry Whittaker. She is a member of Manhattan's social elite. She is on the board of one of the city's most prestigious philanthropic...