First in a series of Emile Cinq-Mars novels, "City of Ice" portrays Montreal as a schizoid landscape, delineated by language, the playground of Russian criminals and American spies and a tough place for a...
An encounter at the Million Man March sucks Gunner into an ice-cold missing persons case
Elroy Covington should have run. He had traveled to the Million Man March in Washington, DC, looking forward to a new city and new faces. Then in a Dupont...
"[A] master storyteller and an expert of suspense." - Mary Kubica
"This Is Not Over spins an absolutely riveting novel that starts with a situation that could happen to any of us, and slowly and masterfully escalates it into a crisis of character...
'I was on the drift from California to someplace that didn't have any bench warrants out on me ...'
Doyle Redmond is on the drift from a failed marriage and a floundering life, moving in an easterly direction in the Volvo he stole from his...
Ian Cresswell, neveu et héritier du richissime Lord Bernard Fairclough, est retrouvé mort noyé. Envoyé en Cumbria, la région des lacs qui inspira tant d'artistes et écrivains, pour enquêter en toute discrétion sur cette tragédie,...
When a corpse with a bullet through its neck is found floating in a fishing hole cut into a frozen lake near Montreal, it appears to be a straightforward murder. But detective Emil Cinq Mars soon realizes this is a more complex case, where no-one is...