The summer cottages are closed, and peace is settling over the coast of Vestfold, but the autumn fog conceals evil deeds. Ove Bakkerud's cottage is ransacked by burglars, and next door he discovers the body of a man who has been beaten to death....
Brad Parks delivers another riveting, emotionally powerful stand-alone domestic suspense thriller perfect for fans of The Couple Next Door and What She Knew.
Disaster, Melanie Barrick was once told, is always closer than you know.
It was a lesson...
When Michael is murdered, Todd's homosexuality is exposed, and now that he's out of the closet and under suspicion, he begins to desperately investigate the killings...
The national bestselling author who turns 'minimum wage into maximum hilarity' (Nancy Martin, author of Murder Melts in Your Mouth) reveals the lifestyles of the rich and murdered.
Helen Hawthorne's latest dead-end job is in a country club's...
The British fondness for tradition is no secret, but some members of London's ffeatherstonehaugh's club (pronounced "Fanshaw," naturally) seem to be taking things a bit too far, bumping off officers of the club who threaten their ordered,...
A man is washed up on a deserted beach on the Hebridean Isle of Harris, barely alive and borderline hypothermic. He has no idea who he is or how he got there. The only clue to his identity is a map tracing a track called the Coffin Road. He does not...
The heirs to one of the oldest Cognac estates in France face a hostile takeover by foreign investors. Renowned wine expert Benjamin Cooker is called in to audit the books. In what he thought was a sleepy provincial town, he is stonewalled, crosses...
Winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Award (Bronze Medal, True Crime)
“One of the biggest cover-up cases I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen it all.”
—Margaret McLean, author, former Boston prosecutor and Boston College Law...