Camino Ghosts

Camino Ghosts
Другие детективы, Триллер
Серия: Camino Island #3
Год: 2024
Добавил: Admin 21 Июн 24
Проверил: Admin 21 Июн 24
Формат:  EPUB (2502 Kb)
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In this new thriller on Camino Island, popular bookseller Bruce Cable tells Mercer Mann an irresistible tale that might be her next novel. A giant resort developer is using its political muscle and deep pockets to claim ownership of a deserted island between Florida and Georgia. Only the last living inhabitant of the island, Lovely Jackson, stands in its way. What the developer doesn’t know is that the island has a remarkable history, and locals believe it is cursed…and the past is never the past…

Категории: Crime, Thrillers & Mystery - Thrillers
Год: 2024
Издательство: Hodder & Stoughton
Язык: English
Страницы: 304
ISBN 10: 0385545991
ISBN 13: 9780385545990
Файл: EPUB, 2.44 MB
IPFS: CID , CID Blake2b

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