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Circle of Bones
Другие детективы, Триллер

Circle of Bones

Автор: Kling Christine
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Статус: Закончена
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Sex and adventure meet history and intrigue in this breathless nautical thriller that spans decades to imagine a fascinating answer to the real-­life mystery of the vanished French sub, Surcouf. When Maggie Riley sets sail for the Caribbean, all...
On the Good, Red Road
Другие детективы, Триллер

On the Good, Red Road

Автор: Crouch Blake
Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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From the author of DESERT PLACES, ABANDON, and “Serial,­” comes this short story which is an excellent and affordable introduction to the author’s work. In “On the Good, Red Road,­” a group of four hard men trying to reach a remote 19th...
Cat in the Dark
Другие детективы

Cat in the Dark

Язык: английский
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"I'm a cat," said Dulcie. "Of course I worry, Joe. What if the cops set up a stakeout? What if they witness a cat opening a skylight and masterminding a robbery? The tabloids will love it. Every nut in the country will read about the trained...