This exciting new crime thriller introduces detective and World War 1 hero, Joe Sandilands. It is India 1922 and Britain is in her final flush of Empire. In Panikhat, 50 miles from Calcutta, the wives of officers in the Bengal Greys, a smart...
From the author of "The Master of the Blacktower", this is the story of a young orphan girl who possesses the gift of second sight. Fate brings her to the home of a wealthy duchess, where the ghostly presence of her own father calls to her from...
Bracketts, an Elizabethan house near town of Fethering, is about to be turned into a museum. Once the home of celebrated poet Esmond Cloudleigh, it has been decided that it should now become a shrine to his life and poetry.
But the transition...
"It's me, your cat. I had to split. I witnessed a crime and someone is following me. Trust me. When I get this sorted out, I'll be home. I am still your cat, and I guess I miss you…" Joe Grey jumped down to the floor without hanging up the phone....
In Miami, on the waterfront, a long-time agent has been turned. Quiller gets the call to find out why. It looks like a simple job.But with Quiller, nothing is ever simple. That's because he digs. He finds a gigantic conspiracy, one of...