A year after the events of "The Alienist", the characters are brought together to investigate a crime committed in the New York of the 1890s. A child, the daughter of Spanish diplomats, disappears, but there is no ransom note. The prime suspect...
A mysterious murder on a flying express train, a wily Italian, a charming woman caught in the meshes of circumstantial evidence, a chivalrous Englishman, and a police force with a keen nose for the wrong clue, are the ingredients from which Major...
The tenth installment of this universally beloved and best-selling series finds Precious Ramotswe in personal need of her own formidable detection talents.
Mma Ramotswe's ever-ready tiny white van has recently developed a rather disturbing noise....
Gerhard Self, the dour, seventy-something sleuth, is back in a new chapter in the wonderful series of mysteries by the bestselling author of The Reader.
When Gerhard Self happens upon one of the most intriguing cases of his career, he can't...
Detective Sigrid Harald finds herself involved with a variety of colorful and offbeat suspects as she investigates a murder in the art department of a prestigious...
A story of drama and intrigue set on the sinister side of the international racing circuit. Tor Kelsey, an undercover agent for the Jockey Club's Security Service trails Julius Apollo Filmer, a blackmailer and murderer, onto a luxury train...