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A Quiet Death
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A Quiet Death

Серия: Hannah Ives #10
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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Hannah is returning from a charity luncheon in Washington, DC, when her train is involved in a horrific crash. Although her arm is broken, she remains at the side of her critically injured seatmate until help arrives – but when she is later...
Burial of Ghosts
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Burial of Ghosts

Автор: Cleeves Ann
Язык: английский
Год: 2003
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For Lizzie Bartholomew, a holiday in Morocco will change life forever. But not in the way she had hoped… Lizzie had planned her trip to Marrakech as the perfect escape from her life – and her nightmares – in Northumberland. Abandoned as a...
Thirteen Steps Down
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Thirteen Steps Down

Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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A classic Rendellian loner, Mix Cellini is superstitious about the number 13. Living in a decaying house in Notting Hill, Mix is obsessed with 10 Rillington Place, where the notorious John Christie committed a series of foul murders. He is also...