A Master of Mysteries is a collection of six seemingly impossible (supernatural?) cases narrated by Mr. John Bell, the well-known ghost-hunter who seeks to debunk and expose the truth behind ghosts and haunting.
In his own words, Bell...
Manabu Yukawa, the physicist known as "Detective Galileo," has traveled to Hariguara, a once-popular summer resort town that has fallen on hard times. He is there to speak at a conference on a planned underwater mining operation, which has sharply...
Kathleen Paulson is snowed under running her library and caring for her extraordinary felines, Owen and Hercules. But when a fund-raiser turns deadly, she’ll have to add sleuthing to her already full schedule....
Winter in Mayville Heights is busy...
Why crime? Why exists this fascination with crime and why, above all, exists this fascination with crime on the part of female writers? Bestselling novelist Elizabeth George poses this question in her Introduction, answers it with her customary...
Symington Smythe and Will Shakespeare meet at a tavern on the road to London and become travel companions and fast friends. They wheedle their way into a compnay of players and wind up in the middle of romance, mystery and...
Small-town librarian Kathleen Paulson often seems to gets mixed up in murder, but luckily, her very special cats always find a way to help her close a case . . .
The charming Minnesota town of Mayville Heights is hosting a music festival, and the...
When Ethan Hille discovers his mother Alyx slumped over her kitchen table bleeding from a gash in her head, he suspects foul play. Who would want to hurt Alyx? Surely, her three cats – two small females, Misty and Pooky, and the old master, Murfy...
Hannah is returning from a charity luncheon in Washington, DC, when her train is involved in a horrific crash. Although her arm is broken, she remains at the side of her critically injured seatmate until help arrives – but when she is later...