Little Girl Gone aka Remember Mia

Little Girl Gone aka Remember Mia
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Автор: Burt Alexandra
Год: 2015
Добавил: Admin 8 Июл 18
Проверил: Admin 8 Июл 18
Формат:  EPUB (2785 Kb)
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Estelle Paradise wakes up in a hospital after being found near dead at the bottom of a ravine with a fragmented memory and a vague sense of loss. Then a terrifying reality sets in: her seven-month-old daughter, Mia, is missing. Frustrated and unable to explain her daughter's disappearance, Estelle begins a desperate search. But when the lack of evidence casts doubt on her story, Estelle becomes the number-one suspect in the eyes of the police and the media. As hope of reuniting with Mia becomes all she has left, Estelle will do anything to find answers: What has she done to her baby? And what has someone else done to her?

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