The Oslo Agreements were signed by Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, marking the beginning of promise for constructive peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The ten years that followed were charted first by hope and optimism only to deteriorate...
Neil Ansell spent five years living between the back of beyond and the middle of nowhere, on his own, with no electricity, gas or water and effectively only the wildlife around him for company.
His dilapidated cottage, rented for £100 per year,...
Spanning the years 1940 to 1965, The Last Lion: Defender of the Realm begins shortly after Winston Churchill became prime minister—when Great Britain stood alone against the overwhelming might of Nazi Germany. In brilliant prose and informed by...
Beginning in 1912, Defiant Spirits traces the artistic development of Tom Thomson and the future members of the Group of Seven, Franklin Carmichael, Lawren Harris, A. Y. Jackson, Franz Johnston, Arthur Lismer, J. E. H. MacDonald, and Frederick...
Prämiert mit der bronzenen Medaille auf der 1. Internationalen Ausstellung für Volksernährung und Kochkunst zu Leipzig 1887.
Verlag Kesselring Hildburghausen,...
Der Endkampf um Berlin gehört zu den schrecklichsten und dramatischsten Geschehnissen deutscher Geschichte. 190.000 Menschen kamen im letzten Gefecht des Zweiten Weltkriegs auf beiden Seiten ums Leben. Einige der wenigen Augenzeugen, die heute noch...