This is the frighteningly true story of two young cops and two young robbers whose separate destinies fatally cross one March night in a bizarre execution in a deserted Los Angeles...
A chilling, truly authoritative anthology of real-life accounts of witches, from medieval Europe through colonial America
From a manual for witch hunters written by King James himself in 1597, to court documents from the Salem witch trials of 1692,...
October 1991. It was “the perfect storm”—a tempest that may happen only once in a century—a nor’easter created by so rare a combination of factors that it could not possibly have been worse. Creating waves ten stories high and winds of 120...
An astonishing civil rights story from Newbery Honor winner and National Book Award finalist Steve Sheinkin.
On July 17, 1944, a massive explosion rocked the segregated Navy base at Port Chicago, California, killing more than 300 sailors who were at...
Hitler boasted that The Third Reich would last a thousand years. It lasted only 12. But those 12 years contained some of the most catastrophic events Western civilization has ever known. In The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William L. Shirer...
Does extraterrestrial life exist? Have alien beings actually visited Earth and, indeed, left clear traces of their visits? One man has the answer…and his son can now break the silence.
"The Roswell Legacy" is the story of Major Jesse...
**A must-have for any fan of horror and fantasy movies -- *Night of the Living Dead, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Shining* (Stephen King), and so many more! **
If you love film that scares, and want to believe that zombies, vampires, and other...
The Second World War: Abridged Edition with an Epilogue on the Years 1945 to 1957, Winston S. Churchill, "I am perhaps the only man who has passed through the two supreme cataclysms of recorded history in high executive office.I was in this second...