Spy Sub is the tale of a top-secret submarine named Halibut that lowered miles and miles of special cable along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in order to investigate a sunken Soviet sub. The mission was such a success that the Halibut itself...
The training, resourcefulness and creativity of the US Special Forces soldier make him capable of jobs that few other soldiers could handle, in situations where traditional arms and movement do not apply. Tom Clancy traces the transformation of...
Roswell, UFOs and the Unusual is a book about all those things told by the man who has spent decades studying them. It is a book that provides new information about the Roswell UFO crash, as well as other UFO crashes, analysis of alien...
This book describes the equipment of the German army during 1933 - 1945 period. There are plenty of colourful illustrations in the publication. The book consists of three main chapters:
1. Emblems, insignia and badges;
2. Clothing;
3. Field...
On June 25, 1989, the naked corpse of schoolteacher Susan Reinert was found wedged into her hatchback car in a hotel parking lot near Philadelphia's "Main Line." Her two children had vanished. The Main Line Murder Case burst upon the...