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Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima
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Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters: From the Ozark Mountains to Fukushima

Автор: Mahaffey James A.
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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From the moment radiation was discovered in the late nineteenth century, nuclear science has had a rich history of innovative scientific exploration and discovery, coupled with mistakes, accidents, and downright disasters. Mahaffey, a...
Torpedo: The Complete History of the World's Most Revolutionary Naval Weapon
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Torpedo: The Complete History of the World's Most Revolutionary Naval Weapon

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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The torpedo was the greatest single game-changer in the history of naval warfare. For the first time it allowed any small, cheap torpedo-firing vessel — and by extension a small, minor navy — to threaten the largest and most powerful warships...