
Другие документальные
Автор: Gado Mark
Серия: Crimescape
Год: 2011
Добавил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Проверил: Admin 11 Фев 18
Формат:  EPUB (3878 Kb)
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Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


(A 101-page True Crime Short with photographs) He was on the football and wrestling teams in high school — a giant of a man, a US Army veteran and a college student who dreamed of the day when he would become a teacher. He also had a deep sexual compulsion to kill… again and again. He was a cold, ruthless murderer who preyed on the weak and deceived the police at almost every turn. When his most terrible secret was finally revealed, an entire city was left in shock and grief. How and why could such a thing happen?

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