Cimmeria is a poem by Robert E. Howard about the fictional country Cimmeria, created by Howard as part of his Hyborian world which is the setting for his character Conan the Barbarian. In the poem, Cimmeria is described as a ‘land of Darkness and...
Satan is out for revenge. His rebellion has failed, he has been cast out from heaven and is doomed to spend eternity in hell. Somehow he must find a way to prove his power and wound his enemies. He fixes upon God’s beloved new creations, Adam and...
Pope had been fascinated by Homer since childhood and in 1713 announced his plans to publish a translation of the Iliad. The work would be available by subscription, with one volume appearing every year over the course of six years. Pope secured a...
War of the Beasts and the Animals is Russian poet Maria Stepanova's first full English-language collection. Stepanova is one of Russia's most innovative and exciting poets and thinkers, and founding editor of, an online independent site...
Maria Stepanova is one of the most powerful and distinctive voices of Russia's first post-Soviet literary generation. An award-winning poet and prose writer, she has also founded a major platform for independent journalism. Her verse blends formal...
Voltaire once said that “An Essay on Man” is “the most sublime didactic poem ever written in any language” (later however, he renounced his admiration for it). Rousseau rhapsodized about its intellectual consolations. Kant recited long...