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Sorrow Gondola
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Sorrow Gondola

Язык: английский
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Стихи шведского поэта, лауреата Нобелевской премии в области литературы (2011 год) Тумаса Транстрёмера в английском переводе. Tomas...
Summer Sun
Визуальная и экспериментальная поэзия, верлибры, палиндромы, Другая поэзия

Summer Sun

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Статус: Закончена
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Summer Sun is a book of Haiku and Senryu poems written by British poet Fuad Viento, accentuating the enchanting beauty of nature, love, realities of life and relationships in British haiku. The collection also includes a series of...
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Автор: LeZotte Ann Clare
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
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It is 1939. Paula Becker, thirteen years old and deaf, lives with her family in a rural German town. As rumors swirl of disabled children quietly disappearing, a priest comes to her family’s door with an offer to shield Paula from an uncertain...