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Loving Women
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Loving Women

Автор: Hamill Pete
Язык: английский
Год: 1989
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It was 1953. A time of innocence. A time when the world seemed full of possibilities. And all the rules were about to change.Michael was a streetwise Brooklyn boy heading south to join the Navy and become a man. But he was about to learn more...
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Год: 1972
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Вашему вниманию представлен сборник рассказов одного из классиков африканской литературы, посвящённый истории колониальной Анголы....
L’Écume des Jours
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L’Écume des Jours

Язык: французский
Год: 1947
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Je voudrais vous parler d'un classique , cela va vous ennuyer mais ce classique est époustouflant , chaque livre est unique mais celui-ci ce détache encore plus des autres livres tellement il m'a étonnée. Me voici dans...
Manhattan transfer
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Manhattan transfer

Язык: английский
Год: 2000
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Considered by many to be John Dos Passos’s greatest work, Manhattan Transfer is an “expressionistic picture of New York” (New York Times) in the 1920s that reveals the lives of wealthy power brokers and struggling immigrants alike. From...
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Язык: русский
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Париж, 1900 год, Всемирная выставка. Место и время, где сплетаются архитектура и мифы, промышленный шпионаж и мистическая революция....
Messengers of God
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Messengers of God

Год: 2005
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Elie Wiesel’s classic look at Job and seven other Biblical characters as they grapple with their relationship with God and the question of his...