In the latest installment in the best-selling Dar & Kerry Series, it's fall, and Dar and Kerry are traveling - Dar overseas to clinch a deal with their new ship owner partners in England, and Kerry on a reluctant visit home for her high...
Man jāmācās sevi aizstāvēt, – nolemj Megija Storma, kuras dienas aizrit, uzkopjot mājas cilvēkiem, kam bieži ir daudz naudas, bet maz pieklājības.
Prātam jāpatur virsroka pār sirdi, – sev iegalvo Ella Mūra, kura atgūstas pēc...
Fabiano was raised to follow in his father’s footsteps as Consigliere of the Chicago Outfit – until the man abandons him. Left to fend for himself, Fabiano is forced to fight for a place...
From the author of The Death of Vishnu, “a big, pyrotechnic… ambitious… ingenious” (Wall Street Journal) novel.
Mumbai has emptied under the threat of imminent nuclear annihilation; gangs of marauding Hindu and Muslim thugs rove the...
A husband, a family, a comfortable life: Theodora Lestrange lives in terror of it all.
With a modest inheritance and the three gowns that comprise her entire wardrobe, Theodora leaves Edinburgh - and a disappointed suitor - far behind. She is bound...