Dr. Turner Brooks may be the professional brother, but he's also the adrenaline junkie. When he meets Annabelle, a girl scared to death of veering from the path she’s paved for herself, all he wants to do is push her out of that comfort zone....
In the latest installment in the best-selling Dar & Kerry Series, it's fall, and Dar and Kerry are traveling - Dar overseas to clinch a deal with their new ship owner partners in England, and Kerry on a reluctant visit home for her high...
Man jāmācās sevi aizstāvēt, – nolemj Megija Storma, kuras dienas aizrit, uzkopjot mājas cilvēkiem, kam bieži ir daudz naudas, bet maz pieklājības.
Prātam jāpatur virsroka pār sirdi, – sev iegalvo Ella Mūra, kura atgūstas pēc...