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Novice Trader
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Novice Trader

Автор: Pence Ken
Год: 2018
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Alan Einfeld is an apprentice trader on his first solo stint on Trappist 3 - in a slightly-behind-the-curve dimension. He is abandoned by his mentor's death and now has little to trade and can't get back to his dimension. He doesn't know the...
Legenda: Gift of Flight
Другая фантастика

Legenda: Gift of Flight

Автор: Gunn S. W.
Год: 2019
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The second and final book in the Legenda series. Gift of Flight continues the story right after the end of Smuggler's Luck.After successfully escaping a trap where they were both experimented on, Jarron and Elyse enter Eal’tain space in order to...
Земля и звёзды (СИ)
Другая фантастика, Роман, повесть

Земля и звёзды (СИ)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
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Фанфик по Стругацким. Альтернативная концовка "Жука в Муравейнике", которая инициировала продолжение темы. Герои повести "Земля и...