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The Future Legacy
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The Future Legacy

Автор: Hollow Jason
Год: 2019
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In the distant future, the first interstellar vessel -- Future -- begins its journey. Following the lives of numerous heroes, this tale depicts their struggle as they attempt to return to mission, going back to their own stars... But will it be as...
Legenda: Gift of Flight
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Legenda: Gift of Flight

Автор: Gunn S. W.
Год: 2019
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The second and final book in the Legenda series. Gift of Flight continues the story right after the end of Smuggler's Luck.After successfully escaping a trap where they were both experimented on, Jarron and Elyse enter Eal’tain space in order to...
Земля и звёзды (СИ)
Другая фантастика, Роман, повесть

Земля и звёзды (СИ)

Язык: русский
Статус: Закончена
полная версия

Фанфик по Стругацким. Альтернативная концовка "Жука в Муравейнике", которая инициировала продолжение темы. Герои повести "Земля и...