Isabelle des Zephyrs has always been underestimated throughout her life, but after discovering the well of hidden magic within her, unveiling a centuries-long conspiracy, and stopping a war between rival nations, she has gained a newfound respect...
Since the day she was born, Tacenda has been both blessed and cursed. When her protective spell fails in the night and her Kessig village is attacked, she seeks revenge against whom she believes responsible: the demon-consorting Lord of the...
In the future, humanity has colonized hundreds of planets. The upstart colony Carthage now rules most of humanity's major worlds, including Earth itself, with fleets of autonomous, AI-driven warships and armies of robotic infantry. Freedom from...
The core is the heart of the Imperium, home to the wealthy and the powerful and currently wracked by a brutal civil war. The crew of the Centauri Bliss all had their reasons for leaving it behind, but with the clans coming from beyond the divide and...
No one knew how the Veil had come to be.
An endless barrier of mist cutting the planet Aotea in half.
To venture into it, was to disappear forever…
Thaqib has had the disturbing feeling that something within the Veil is calling him. He's...