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Автор: Vermont Ryan
Язык: русский
Год: 2019
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Stefan is the Fixer. He solves problems for the mob on Nyx Space Station. Then the mob decides he's run his course. Now, it's Stefan and three beautiful alien women against an entire space station filled with the worst the galaxy has to...
Fly by Night. Хроники Расколотого королевства
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Fly by Night. Хроники Расколотого королевства

Язык: русский
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Что объединяет двенадцатилетнюю сироту Мошку Май и афериста высокого полета Эпонимия Клента? Любовь к приключениям и к книгам,...
Galactic Startup
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Galactic Startup

Автор: Whiting Brian
Язык: русский
Год: 2018
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Alex and his three friends drop out of college after discovering a revolutionary way to travel into space using a small amount of energy. Their world-changing technology is sought by the government, and they are forced to go into hiding while they...