When two-year-old tabby, Molly, loses her beloved owner, her world falls apart. Re-homed with three cat-hating dogs, she decides to take matters into her own paws and embarks on a gruelling journey to the nearest town. As Molly walks the cobbled...
A brand new tale in the Animal Stories series from best-selling author Holly Webb, this story is about the true meaning of friendship – and how there's the perfect pup out there for everyone! Bella instantly falls in love with her scruffy puppy...
Olivia is very protective over her lovely new kitten, Smudge. But when her big brother's naughty friend Rob comes to tea, she worries that he'll tease Smudge. Olivia hides the little kitten away, but later that night she is nowhere to be found....
Megan is really excited about moving. She can't wait to take her Golden Labrador Ellie for walks in the countryside near their new house. But Mum and Dad say that Ellie will be upset by the move, and she has to go and stay with Gran. Megan really...
A brand new tale in the Animal Stories series from best-selling author, Holly Webb. The Puppy Who Was Left Behind is the 25th book in Holly Webb's Animal Stories series, a must for any puppy loving, Holly Webb fan. Anna and her new puppy, Fred, go...
Grace can't have a puppy of her own, but she loves walking the dogs at the local animal shelter; her favourite is Harry, a lively Jack Russell puppy. Harry loves going for walks with Grace, and soon the two are best friends. But then Harry is...
Katie can't believe it when her parents agree that she can have a puppy. And when she sees the lively Timmy, she's sure her family will fall in love with him, just as she has. But her sister Jess is worried about how Misty the cat with react to the...
Ruby is thrilled when her aunt's dachshund has puppies. And her parents have a wonderful surprise - she is going to get to keep one! Ruby knows straight away who to pick - the gorgeous puppy she's already named...
On holiday at the seaside, Anya is excited when she meets a friendly family with children her own age playing with them and their gorgeous puppy, Molly, is so much fun! But when she returns to the beach the next day, she discovers the pup all on its...
Molly is over the moon when she is given Max, a gorgeous Old English sheepdog puppy. Max pines for Molly when she's at school, so when he spies an open window one day he sets off to find her. But the world is a scary place for a puppy on his own,...