The Toveys attempt to settle down to a quiet life in the country. Unfortunately for them, however, their tyrannical Siamese cats have other ideas.
This is a funny tale for the animal...
It wasn't, we discovered as the
months went by, that Sugieh
was particularly wicked. It was
just that she was a Siamese.
Animal lovers Doreen Tovey and
her husband Charles acquire their first Siamese kitten to rid
themselves of an invasion of
Christmas at the Cat Cafe is the wonderfully festive sequel to Melissa Daley's uplifting tale, Molly and the Cat Cafe. The Costwolds' town of Stourton-on-the-Hill has its very own cat cafe. Resident cat Molly, and her kittens, live here in feline...
Cat lovers should enjoy reading these selections (some original, some previously published) if they find this eclectic assortment under the Christmas tree. Murphy, the author of a popular mystery series featuring a feline crime-solver (Cat Cross...
Wie findet man ein neues Herrchen für das Frauchen?
Herkules ist ein kleiner Dackel, und sein neues Frauchen Carolin ist der tollste Mensch auf der Welt, findet er. Nicht nur, dass sie ihn aus dem Tierheim gerettet hat, nein, sie riecht auch nach...
The story of Dewey the
celebrated library cat is now
available for the youngest of
readers in this new, fully-
illustrated picture book
adventure. When Librarian Vicki Myron
finds a young kitten abandoned
in the Spencer Library return
box, she...
Dewey: The Small-Town Library
Cat Who Touched the World was
a blockbuster bestseller and a
publishing phenomenon. It has
sold nearly a million copies,
spawned three children's books, and will be the basis for an
upcoming movie. No doubt
about it,...
How much of an impact can an
animal have? How many lives
can one cat touch? How is it
possible for an abandoned
kitten to transform a small
library, save a classic American town, and eventually become
famous around the world? You
can't even begin to...