It was once said that only twelve people in the world could understand Einstein's Theory of Relativity. That unfortunate situation began to change when Einstein published several of the papers and speeches contained in this book which explain the...
“Assume the cow is a sphere.” So begins this lively, irreverent, and informative look at everything from the physics of boiling water to cutting-edge research at the observable limits of the universe. Rich with anecdotes and accessible examples,...
A history of gravity, and a study of its importance and relevance to our lives, as well as its influence on other areas of science.
Physicists will tell you that four forces control the universe. Of these, gravity may the most obvious, but it is...
You never knew theoretical physics could be so simple!
Why do things move? Why is the expansion of the universe accelerating? Is the universe a black hole? This exciting book considers some of the deepest and most important questions in...
It is surprising that science does not know the answer, though there have been some inventive and controversial ideas. This book considers many of those ideas and presents a new solution why three is the magic...
The answers to the big questions:
Are the laws of physics fine-tuned for life?
Are we alone in the universe?
Why is gravity so weak?
How can I predict the winner of every horse...
You never knew theoretical physics could be so simple! In this exciting and significant book, Andrew Thomas clearly illustrates the simplicity which lies behind nature at its fundamental level. It is revealed how all unifications in physics have...