Unhealed scars of the Great War still torment Scotland Yard Inspector Ian Rutledge, and he carries with him the presence of the soldier he was forced to execute in the midst of battle. A haunted, damaged shell of a man, he has been sent to the...
Det var en frygtelig hed augustdag. Steve Carella var netop vendt tilbage til Station 87 efter en dejlig sommerferie. Han følte sig overhovedet ikke oplagt til at tage fat på pligterne, som i første omgang betød en anmeldelse af en pyromanbrand...
Chief Inspector Van Veeteren is called to the sleepy coastal town of Kalbringen to assist the local police in the investigation of two recent ax murders. Soon the case turns from bad to worse when another body turns up and one of Van Veeteren’s...
Mord ist nichts Neues für die Angehörigen der Stockholmer Kriminalpolizei, aber dieser hier überbietet alles, was sie bisher an Schaurigem gesehen haben. Der unbekannte Täter hat in blinder Wut auf den Polizeibeamten...
Drei Morde scheuchen das schläfrige Provencestädtchen Digne auf. Alles deutet darauf hin, dass die Opfer mit einer Steinschleuder getötet wurden. Man hat eine merkwürdige kleine Gestalt gesehen beim Steinesuchen an der...
Straight cop, gay cop, and a woman who "isn't real." Tom and Stanley are on the trail of a drag queen serial killer, and along the way, they find themselves engaged in a more intimate pursuit, trying to resolve another mystery: their unexpected...
"You try to walk in this town, you hear footsteps behind you—it's like the sound of grenades. A walk in Chicago after dark is a combat mission."
This is the story of Paul Benjamin, a man obsessed with revenge and private justice. Revenge...
Paul Benjamin, a successful accountant in New York City, is enjoying a three-martini lunch when his home is broken into by a gang of drug addicts. For just a handful of money, they savagely beat Paul's wife and daughter, leaving his wife dead and...