Elizabeth Tyler is finally home.
After years spent searching for her, Joe Tyler found his daughter and brought her home. But things aren't perfect and Joe is still looking.
Not for his daughter, but for the person responsible for...
With the breakneck pacing and intricate plotting of his most recent novel, The Rosary Girls, Richard Montanari established himself as one of the most exciting suspense writers working today. Now he proves himself a virtuoso with The Skin Gods, an...
A young transvestite in a beautiful red dress is found strangled in a Havana park. Conde’s investigation into a violent murder exposes a stifling, corrupt society, a Cuban reality where nothing is what it seems.
A dark and fascinating world of men...
A football player is shot dead in front of a packed crowd of people. DS Jason Smith is put in charge of the investigation. The murder weapon is found in a house across the road from the football ground. It is a rare Russian army issue sniper rifle....
Pierwsza na polskim rynku powieść z bijącej w Rosji rekordy popularności serii przygód major Anastazji Kamieńskiej. Będąc oficerem śledczym moskiewskiej milicji, ta atrakcyjna i delikatna kobieta jest...
"You try to walk in this town, you hear footsteps behind you—it's like the sound of grenades. A walk in Chicago after dark is a combat mission."
This is the story of Paul Benjamin, a man obsessed with revenge and private justice. Revenge...