This thriller is about a small town sheriff, Dan Harter who is a widower raising a teenage daughter while trying to keep the local single women at bay. As sheriff, his major task in life lately had been fielding calls about a marauding herd of...
Two women have gone missing, and LAPD Detective Harry Bosch has a strong suspicion that an avid fisherman named Denninger is the culprit. Bosch needs something stronger than a suspicion to bring Denninger in, but all he has are a handful of photos...
The brand-new Bill Slider Mystery - David Rogers was a doctor, handsome, charming and rich. He lived the lifestyle of a consultant – expensive clothes, top restaurants, exclusive clubs – until someone killed him in the hallway of his lovely...
Early one quiet Monday morning, in an empty executive office, assistant Janice Denard begins to prepare for another ordinary day--but instead discovers evidence of horrific crimes, shocking photographs left abandoned in a printer. Now, with the...
When Eve Duncan gave birth to her daughter, she experienced a love she never knew existed. Nothing would stand in the way of giving Bonnie a wonderful life—until the unthinkable happened and the seven-year-old vanished into thin air. Eve found...
The corpse of local teenager Angela Cashell is found on the Tyrone-Donegal border, between the North and South of Ireland, in an area known as the borderlands. Garda Inspector Benedict Devlin heads the investigation: the only clues are a gold ring...
Taking some much-needed rest at the Vermont vacation spot of his boyhood,Lieutenant Joe Gunther finds the little town at war when an expanding back-to-nature cult turns violent and Joe learns that some of his oldest friends may be behind...
When the city of Boston is terrorized by a mass murdering psychopath who is leading a militia of men into a war on citizens rights to privacy, its up to the fabled, yet broken Detective, Frank McKenzie to bring them to justice.What turns out to be a...