Police thriller published to tie in with the TV four-part mini-series. Escaped criminal Myers — missing and presumed dead — is discovered under the alias Philip von Joel by Jackson while holidaying in Spain. The devilishly charismatic Myers is...
Winter is starting to loosen its grip on Cedar County along the shores of Northern Lake Michigan. The first hints of green are becoming visible on the edges of the receding snowpack. On the inland lakes, the layers of ice that started forming in...
A Detective Chief Inspector Wexford novel. The fatal car accident involving the stockbroker Fanshawe couldn't possibly be connected with the murder of a cocky little lorry driver. But was it a coincidence that the latter died the day after Mrs...
In this city, you have to pay attention. In this city, things are happening all the time, all over the place, and you don't have to be a detective to smell evil in the wind.
Take this week's tabloids: the face of a dead girl is splashed across...
"You try to walk in this town, you hear footsteps behind you—it's like the sound of grenades. A walk in Chicago after dark is a combat mission."
This is the story of Paul Benjamin, a man obsessed with revenge and private justice. Revenge...
New York Times bestselling author Iris Johansen turns up the heat in this explosive new psychological thriller. This time a gifted arson investigator teams up with a mysterious operative to stop a killer raging completely out of control...For...
They’re the perfect victims.Arizona shares nearly four hundred miles of international border with Mexico, thirty-six of which are completely unfortified. On one side lies desperation; on the other, opportunity.There’s no record of their...
Just as the bidding gets exciting in a Bath auction house, three armed men stage a hold-up and attempt to steal Lot 129, a medieval carving of the Wife of Bath. The highest bidder, appalled to have the prize snatched away, tries to stop them and is...
Matthew Worth is a mess. Somewhere between a good cop and a bad screwup, he botched a marriage and a career. His fellow officers think he’s a joke. His commanders are tired of cutting him breaks. Even his wife has left him for a flashy homicide...