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Raven Strike
Боевики, Политические детективы

Raven Strike

Автор: Brown Dale
Серия: Dreamland #13
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Статус: Закончена
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The mission is classified . . . and illegal In the blistering heat of the Sudan, the CIA has gone rogue.On the trail of a notorious terrorist, Agency operatives have overstepped their sanctioned boundaries. And now theultimate weapon has...
Rosa LÜksemburg'Un Tutuklanması ve Aranması
Дамский детективный роман, Политические детективы

Rosa LÜksemburg'Un Tutuklanması ve Aranması

Год: 2023
Статус: Закончена, но выложен фрагмент
полная версия

Ünlü devrimci Rosa Luxembourg tutuklanarak gözaltına alındı. Kadın cezaevinde titiz aramalara, diğer prosedürlere, aşağılanmaya ve ciddi yargılamalara katlanmak...
Seven Days in May
Альтернативная история, Политические детективы

Seven Days in May

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
полная версия

"Gentleman Jim" Scott was a brilliant magnetic general. Like a lot of people, he believed the President was ruining the country. Unlike anyone else, he had the power to do something about it, something unprecedented and terrifying. Colonel "Jiggs"...