Stanley Johnson’s Kompromat is a brilliant satirical thriller that tells the story of 2016’s seismic and unexpected political events on both sides of the Atlantic.
The UK referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU was a political...
Five bombs upend the foundation of the American government. Sturka is an artist with explosives. A sturdy man approaching middle age, he learned his trade on the darkest battlefields of the twentieth century: Indochina, Palestine, Guyana, Biafra,...
It all happened so fast: the terrorist bombings of Congress which killed nearly a hundred senators and congressmen; the incredible kidnapping of the President-Elect, Clifford Fairlie.
Tough, veteran...
Hired by a political kingmaker to investigate a cocaine war, journalist Morgan Citron uncovers a scandal involving the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. It’s a story that will make Watergate look like a parking ticket — if Citron lives to tell about...
In 1945, Stalin imprisoned a team of Nazi scientists and forced them to think beyond the nuke. Now seven decades later, they are finally ready.
A Russian President cornered by sanctions and a Russian Analyst unencumbered by legacies team up to...
When Finn, a former British spy, is poisoned by a Russian assassin, his ex-boss Adrian, the chief of MI6, wants vengeance. He also wants answers—information that only Finn’s widow knows. But Anna, a former KGB colonel who betrayed her country...
The men who bossed the city were running scared. Elections were coming up and the voters were rallying behind Richardson Caldwell, an idealistic reformer with the old-fashioned notion that criminals belonged in jails instead of public offices.