In the year 2030, the meteor Ragnarok impacted Earth, rending the world a wasteland. Billions died, the sky went crimson, and the world entered an ice age from which it will not emerge for centuries.
By 2060, what is left of the United...
When David and Sarah Woodson take a much-needed vacation with their ten-year old son, John, their intention is to find a relaxing, remote spot to take a break from the artificial stimulation of their busy world back in Jacksonville, Florida. What...
In the hellish aftermath of germ and nuclear warfare, plague, pillage and bloody anarchy rule our once proud nation. There's only a slim chance America will make it through the dark days - and only one man has the guts to lead a courageous band...
“A grippingly well told story.”
—Craig Berkman
No-one could have imagined there was worse to come.
Former Australian special forces soldier Stone Luckman never dreamed he could put his troubled past behind him.
In a search for...