This ten-book series follows Grant Matson and others as they navigate through a partial collapse of society. Set in Washington State, this series depicts the conflicting worlds of preppers, those who don’t understand them, and those who fear and...
Book Two, The Collapse, picks up where The Preparation ends. Society begins to break down in this second book of the 299 Days series. The government stops functioning, guns and ammunition are in high demand, and a trip to the gas station has...
At a remote site in Minnesota, filmmaker Kurt Carpenter has built a secure compound and invited a select group of people to bunker down until the worst is over. The world into which they re-emerge is like nothing they’ve ever seen. At first they...
Do you have what it takes to survive?
The EMP hits. The lights go out and silence roars. Society is on the brink of violent chaos. The only way to survive is to get out, away from the cities and into the wilderness.
Max is an office worker...
The new post-apocalyptic collection by master anthologist John Joseph Adams, featuring never-before-published stories and curated reprints by some of the genre’s most popular and critically-acclaimed authors.
The incredible second part of Shift, the follow up to bestseller Wool.
Donald wasn’t supposed to remember. In fact, he was punished for doing just that. But the information he should have forgotten may end up saving his future.
Civilization ended long before Lynn Tanner was born. Wild animals roam the streets, but mankind is still the biggest threat to a woman alone in the ruins of a world reclaimed by nature. Lynn survives by sleeping with one eye open at all times and...
For readers of Station Eleven and The Martian, Lily Brooks-Dalton’s haunting debut is the unforgettable story of two outsiders—a lonely scientist in the Arctic and an astronaut trying to return to Earth—as they grapple with love, regret, and...
From Chapter One to Chapter 299, this ten-book series follows Grant Matson and others as they navigate through a partial collapse of society. Set in Washington State, this series depicts the conflicting worlds of preppers, those who don’t...