A high octane, darkly hilarious tale of one man’s journey to live a life after the global pandemic. Equal parts madness and hilarity, this gripping tale follows a broken mop wielding protagonist who runs into a slew of unusual, fascinating, and...
We never saw it coming. The Invasion has begun.
With the world in chaos and the aliens swarming the domed city of Nashville, Maya Talbot continues on her quest to find her children while destruction rains down from above—the aliens have...
A daring post-apocalyptic novel from a powerful rising literary voice
With winter looming, a small northern Anishinaabe community goes dark. Cut off, people become passive and confused. Panic builds as the food supply dwindles. While the band...
The world experiences an abrupt and unthinkable cataclysm on the morning of October 29, 2018. Kevin March, high school band trombonist and wannabe writer playing hooky, is witness to its beginning. To stay alive, Kevin embarks on a journey that...
In a thirsty, drought-stricken Australia, the country is well and truly sunburnt. As the Eastern states are evacuated to more appealing climates, a stubborn few resist the forced removal. They hide out in small country towns—somewhere no one would...
The world came to an abrupt pause and what came next forever changed the world. My parents, gone. My friends, gone. Everyone gone, except were they really, gone? Day’s ticked by moving forward but when the sun descended, and darkness crept in;...
From Morgan Llywelyn, the bestselling author of Lion of Ireland and the Irish Century series, comes Drop By Drop her first near-future science fiction thriller
Unbound Worlds—The Best Sci Fi and Fantasy Books of June 2018
In this first...
How did it start? A deadly virus from the Arctic. An international team of US, Russian, Chinese, and Korean scientist uncovered a prehistoric artifact frozen in the ice of the North. What they didn’t know is it carried a slumbering disease more...
For the first time, Robert Adams has invited his colleagues to join him in creating the adventure-packed "World of the Horseclans". Featured are such sci-fi greats as Andre Norton, George Alec Effinger, Joel Rosenberg, John Steakley, and John F....
Prophecy Written in Blood! After two hundred years of seaching for other immortals, the Undying High Lord Milo Morai has returned to the Horseclans to fulfill an ancient prophecy and lead them to their destined homeland by the sea. But in their path...