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The First Day

The First Day

Автор: Drake Adam
Серия: Total Collapse #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
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And the end begins. In one fell swoop, civilization is changed forever. No one is unaffected, few are prepared. Some become survivors, others – easy prey. Only the strong, and crazy, will survive. Through the blood and chaos,...


Автор: Jones Nathan
Серия: Best Laid Plans #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Trevor Smith has a pretty good idea of the razor’s edge modern society walks, with the vast majority of people completely dependent on reliable sources of electricity and gas, and everything shipped to them at the last possible instant. When a...
Cataclysm Baby

Cataclysm Baby

Автор: Bell Matt
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Beset with environmental disaster, animal-like children, and the failure of traditional roles, the twenty-six fathers of Cataclysm Baby raise their desperate voices to reveal the strange stations of frustrated parenthood, to proclaim familial...
Devil Storm
Постапокалипсис, Триллер

Devil Storm

Автор: Akart Bobby
Серия: Nuclear Winter #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2021
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Nuclear fallout wrapped the planet in a blanket of soot, blocking the sun’s rays, wreaking havoc on the atmosphere. The planet was plunged into a deep chill that would last for years. Plants withered. Animals died. Famine exacted its toll...
The Fox Run

The Fox Run

Автор: Robbins David L.
Серия: Endworld
Язык: английский
Год: 2009
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As the descendants of the few survivors of the nuclear holocaust that leveled the earth struggle to rebuild a vanished civilization within the walls of The Home, savage barbarian trolls plot to plunder, ravage, and destroy their nascent...
Fallen Into Darkness

Fallen Into Darkness

Автор: Cesaro Roman
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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After much of humanity is destroyed in a massive collision, fellow survivors manage to band together and fight for survival. How will these survivors react when they discover society has been drug down into the dark ages and is full of chaos and...