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GMO 24: The Coalition

GMO 24: The Coalition

Автор: Hunt James
Серия: GMO 24 #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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A post-apocalyptic world where a strain of GMO seeds has left the soil in the United States infertile. No plants will grow anywhere the GMO seed has touched. With no food a faction of government has risen to power knows as The Soil Coalition. They...
Good Morning, Midnight

Good Morning, Midnight

Язык: английский
Год: 2016
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For readers of Station Eleven and The Martian, Lily Brooks-Dalton’s haunting debut is the unforgettable story of two outsiders—a lonely scientist in the Arctic and an astronaut trying to return to Earth—as they grapple with love, regret, and...
Gray Rain Exodus

Gray Rain Exodus

Автор: Kelly Kent David
Серия: From the Fire #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
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On April 4th, 2014, 6 billion and 783 million people died in the blinding white fireballs of the Pan-Global Nuclear Holocaust. Sophie Saint-Germain, wife and scientist and mother of one, was not among them. She lived for a time, and so...
Gray Snow
Другие детские, Постапокалипсис

Gray Snow

Автор: Curtin Paul
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
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Sean only needs to survive a week with his brother- and sister-in-law. Until ash starts falling from the sky. An apocalyptic volcanic eruption brings gray snowfall to his rural woodland home. Stuck inside, Sean and his family board up the...