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The Earth Dwellers

The Earth Dwellers

Автор: Estes David
Серия: The Dwellers #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Статус: Закончена
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The Earth Dwellers is the 4th book in BOTH The Dwellers Saga and The Country Saga. The author recommends that BOTH series are read in their entirety before reading this book (The Moon Dwellers, The Star Dwellers, The Sun Dwellers, Fire Country,...
Ice Country
Научная фантастика, Постапокалипсис

Ice Country

Автор: Estes David
Серия: Country Saga #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Статус: Закончена
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Dazz, a hard-edged, fun-loving Icer, likes fighting, particularly while at his favorite watering hole. However, while recovering from a particularly bad break up, his decision to engage in a brutal pubroom brawl leads to a series of events that...
Water & Storm Country
Научная фантастика, Постапокалипсис

Water & Storm Country

Автор: Estes David
Серия: Country Saga #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Статус: Закончена
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Huck Jones, the son of the admiral of the Soaker fleet, has a legacy to live up to. Haunted by the distorted memories of his mother's untimely death, he must face his demons and the man who raised him as he strives to take the courageous step...
Inside Out
Мистика, Постапокалипсис

Inside Out

Автор: Snyder Maria V.
Серия: Insiders #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
Статус: Закончена

Keep Your Head Down. Don't Get Noticed. Or Else. I'm Trella. I'm a scrub. A nobody. One of thousands who work the lower levels, keeping Inside clean for the Uppers. I've got one friend, do my job and try to avoid the Pop Cops....
Houston, 2030: With Proper Legwork
Постапокалипсис, Социально-философская фантастика

Houston, 2030: With Proper Legwork

Серия: Хьюстон, 2030 #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Статус: Закончена
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God save me from making prophecies, because I am not qualified. Can I predict that Ebola virus not only finds its way to Europe and America, but also learns how to defeat the WHO protective suite protocols? Hey, who cares about Ebola? I fail to...
Боевики, Постапокалипсис


Автор: Dunwoody David
Серия: Empire #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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The year i s 2112. The crippled U.S. government and its military forces are giving up the century-long fight against an undead plague. Born of an otherworldly energy fused with a deadly virus, the ravaging hordes of zombified humans and...
White Out

White Out

Автор: Dimbleby Eric
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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An apocalyptic snowstorm sweeps the globe. Experts predict this freak storm will be “The New Ice Age.” Electricity is gone, as are all forms of communication and road travel. As each member of a divided family tries to survive in their own way,...