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The Gunner Chronicles: Fire and Brimstone: A Havenworld Novel
Вестерны, Постапокалипсис

The Gunner Chronicles: Fire and Brimstone: A Havenworld Novel

Автор: Constantine Bard
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
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After the end of civilization, the Wild West returns with a vengeance. A lone gunslinger wanders a post-apocalyptic America, dealing out a hard-hitting mix of revenge and righteous judgment. The man called Gunner has been many things: lawman,...
The Echo
Постапокалипсис, Ужасы

The Echo

Автор: Nicholson Scott
Серия: After
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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It’s six weeks after the shock. The smoke on the horizon has diminished, and Rachel Wheeler and her two traveling companions head toward the mountains where Rachel’s grandfather Franklin has built a survivalist compound. ...
Постапокалипсис, Триллер


Серия: Hater #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
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REMAIN CALM DO NOT PANIC TAKE SHELTER WAIT FOR FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS THE SITUATION IS UNDER CONTROL Society is rocked by a sudden increase in the number of violent assaults on individuals. Christened 'Haters' by the media, the attackers strike...
Crossing Over
Постапокалипсис, Триллер

Crossing Over

Автор: Clayton Paul
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
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The chaos and violence of the second American civil war arrives in Mike McNerney’s town when knife-wielding thugs invade his home. He, his wife, and their disabled daughter, take to their camper to find refuge in Canada. Along the way they evade...