When the hyper-aggressive H5N1 plague spread, the world collapsed. Billions around the world died in a few months’ time and technology and infrastructure disintegrated. Among the survivors, a rare gene in the human DNA emerged as resistant to the...
In less than twenty-four hours a vicious and virulent disease destroys almost all of the population. Billions are killed. Thousands die every second. There are no symptoms and no warnings. Within moments of infection each victim suffers a violent...
In the end, the zombie apocalypse was nothing more than a waste disposal problem. Burn them in giant ovens? Bad optics. Bury them in landfill sites? The first attempt created acres of twitching, roiling mud. The acceptable answer is to jettison the...
She is coming for you....
"Mark Tufo is one of those writers whose stories are elevated beyond the usual." ---John Ramsey Miller, author of The Last...
“A grippingly well told story.”
—Craig Berkman
No-one could have imagined there was worse to come.
Former Australian special forces soldier Stone Luckman never dreamed he could put his troubled past behind him.
In a search for...
There is no United States. There is no world. An asteroid has destroyed what the human race knew as earth and The Great Famine has wiped out most of the surviving human population. For the few remaining survivors, food is scarce—precious—a...
Civilization has finally reached the breaking point. Thirty-six hours have passed since the EMP was detonated, and in that short amount of time, the nation has been transformed—the survivors of the initial attack scramble for food, water, and...
Chaos, Madness, Global Financial breakdown. The end is coming and in the midst of this there are 3 guys trying to survive. One of them is very wealthy, one is middle class, and one of them is very poor.
Read the amazing story of how...
Jackson Aims forgot everything. Where he was, what he was doing, and just about everything else.
He found himself in a destroyed metropolis with thousands of others with the same condition.
In the years to come truths have...
Two centuries after an atomic war on earth, a silver-haired mutant sets out on a dangerous search for a lost city of the ruined civilization.
Review Submitted by Ralph Couey
It is almost 200 years since the global destruction wrought by...