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The End Is Nigh

The End Is Nigh

Автор: Marshall M. J.
Серия: The End Is Nigh #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
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Kill or be killed. Take or be taken. These are the only choices now. One time politician Elizabeth Clarke has put her career on hold to start a family. A decision which ultimately saved her life. On a day when she should have been attending...


Автор: Sidler R. K.
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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After a life altering event, the Earth is transformed into an inhospitable host to every living thing on it. Some humans have survived in subterranean shelters, while others have been transformed by their unforgiving environment above ground. One...
Soft Apocalypse

Soft Apocalypse

Автор: McIntosh Will
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
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What happens when resources become scarce and society starts to crumble? As the competition for resources pulls America’s previously stable society apart, the “New Normal” is a Soft Apocalypse. This is how our world ends; with a whimper...
Crossing Over
Постапокалипсис, Триллер

Crossing Over

Автор: Clayton Paul
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
полная версия

The chaos and violence of the second American civil war arrives in Mike McNerney’s town when knife-wielding thugs invade his home. He, his wife, and their disabled daughter, take to their camper to find refuge in Canada. Along the way they evade...