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Автор: Druga Jacqueline
Язык: английский
Год: 2020
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A town practically cut off from the rest of the country, Griffin is always the last to know about everything. Fax is the most reliable method of communication and the local newspaper is the main source of outside information. When a freak car...
Houston, 2030: The Year Zero
Постапокалипсис, Социально-философская фантастика

Houston, 2030: The Year Zero

Язык: английский
Статус: Закончена
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It has been twenty-four years since the Peak Oil, and fourteen – since the world-wide economic collapse (and the Peak Everything.) No, there are no nuclear fall-outs and no zombies on the streets! The Civilization lives on. But: it is a very...
The End Has Come
Постапокалипсис, Социально-философская фантастика

The End Has Come

Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster, or...
The End Is Now
Научная фантастика, Постапокалипсис

The End Is Now

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the End of the World. In science fiction, the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster, or...
Cataclysm Baby

Cataclysm Baby

Автор: Bell Matt
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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Beset with environmental disaster, animal-like children, and the failure of traditional roles, the twenty-six fathers of Cataclysm Baby raise their desperate voices to reveal the strange stations of frustrated parenthood, to proclaim familial...
Empire's End
Боевики, Постапокалипсис

Empire's End

Автор: Dunwoody David
Серия: Empire #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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The dead refuse to stay dead. The Reaper is here to put them down. As winter sets in and America's survivors struggle to rebuild a semblance of civilization, terrifying new enemies are gathering-both in the lawless badlands and within the walls of...