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299 Days: The Community

299 Days: The Community

Автор: Tate Glen
Серия: 299 Days #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2012
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299 Days: The Community, the third book in the 299 Days series, reunites Grant Matson with his family after his wife, children, and in-laws accept that the only way to survive the Collapse is to flee the comfort of their suburban lives and join...
Альтернативная история, Постапокалипсис


Автор: Howey Hugh
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Статус: Закончена
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We live across the thousand dunes with grit in our teeth and sand in our homes. No one will come for us. No one will save us. This is our life, diving for remnants of the old world so that we may build what the wind destroys. No one is looking...
The Best of Joe R. Lansdale [Авторский сборник]
Криминальные детективы, Постапокалипсис

The Best of Joe R. Lansdale [Авторский сборник]

Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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By turns absurd, hilarious, and terrifying, this outrageous collection features the best writings of the high priest of Texan weirdness. Odd-ball detectives, malicious rocks, spectral prehistoric fish, and vampire hunters permeate these vividly...
After the Fall
Вестерны, Постапокалипсис

After the Fall

Автор: Sparkman Darrel
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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Only the Strong Survive. They called it “The Fall”—the total collapse of the United States and the American way of life. Within twelve months, eighty percent of the population is gone. After a time, even the military stops trying to cope...