La novela continúa con la vida de las y los protagonistas de Los ojos amarillos de los cocodrilos: Joséphine y Zoé se han instalado en un buen barrio de París gracias al éxito de la novela que finalmente ha reivindicado su...
Megan is really excited about moving. She can't wait to take her Golden Labrador Ellie for walks in the countryside near their new house. But Mum and Dad say that Ellie will be upset by the move, and she has to go and stay with Gran. Megan really...
Emily Starr was born with the desire to write. As an orphan living on New Moon Farm, writing helped her face the difficult, lonely times. But now all her friends are going away to high school in nearby Shrewsbury, and her old-fashioned,...
Emily Starr never knew what it was to be lonely — until her beloved father died. Now Emily's an orphan, and her mother's snobbish relatives are taking her to live with them at New Moon Farm. She's sure she won't be happy. Emily deals with stiff,...
Emily knows she's going to be a great writer. She also knows that she and her childhood sweetheart, Teddy Kent, will conquer the world together. But when Teddy leaves home to pursue his goal to become an artist at the School of Design in...
After the sharp-eyed Jay and the roaring Lion, peace will come on Dove's gentle wing.
Three ThunderClan cats, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Dovepaw, are prophesied to hold the power of the stars in their paws. Now they must work together to unravel the...
Ferien auf Saltkrokan! Pelle, seine große Schwester Malin und seine beiden Brüder entdecken auf der kleinen Insel die unberührte Natur der schwedischen Schären. Sie baden im Meer, fangen Fische, sammeln Pfifferlinge und feiern...
Fireheart could hear a roaring around him, like wind in tall trees. The acrid stench of the Thunderpath stung his nostrils, together with a new smell, sharper and more terrifying. Fire!
Book Two of WARRIORS continues Fireheart's quest to be a true...