A devastating challenge for the new leader of Riverclan... When leopardstar loses her ninth life, her longtime deputy, Mistyfoot, steps up to receive her new name-Mistystar-and lead her clan though a troublesome time. But Mistystar is about to...
Signe Кvaskova
Monika un mežs
Monikas dzīvē nav nekā īpašas ievērības cienīga līdz dienai, kad notiek kas neticams – meitene kopā ar savu uzticīgo suni Benu nokļūst brīnumainā pasaulē – Mežā. Tikšanās ar Meža Veču...
Amelie has always loved dogs, but she never dreamed that she’d end up with two of them! Their puppy, Monty, has only been with them for a few months when her family offer to take in her grandad’s beloved Daisy as he has to go into a care home....
Moons have passed since six cats set out on a journey to save their Clans. Now they are traveling home again, but on their way through the mountains, they meet a tribe of wild cats with a secret . . . and their own mysterious prophecy to fulfill....
Warriors Super Edition: Moth Flight's Vision is an epic stand-alone adventure in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series! Set after the events of the Dawn of the Clans prequel arc, this Super Edition follows WindClan's first medicine...
Zviedru rakstniece Tuve Jansone dzimusi 1914. gadā Helsinkos mākslinieku ģimenē. Viņas tēvs ir izcils somu skulptors, māte gleznotāja - karikatūriste. Rakstniece beigusi Helsinku...